Saturday, September 19, 2009

Former President Carter...for shame!

Racism exists. I have personally heard it and seen it in effect. It is sad that in this day and age it is as rampant as it is.

However, Wilson's "You Lie" outburst recently is NOT racism. For Former President Carter to claim it was, is just despicable. If he had claimed it was rude or had claimed it was uncalled for...those might be valid observations. However to claim they were racist is out of line.

If we "cry wolf" every time someone disagrees with someone of another race...then those that are the victims of true racism become trivialized. How can we ever hope to tackle the insidiousness that is racism if everything is claimed to be racism, whether it is or not.

Also, this is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black. Former President Carter insinuated that Condaleeza Rice lied, so is he also racist?

So I call for Former President Carter to issue an apology. If Wilson was directed to apologize for doing nothing worse than being disrespectful, then Former President Carter should have to apologize and be admonished for slanderous racism claims.